Get the NEW Sun FBforever10!!!
Enjoy unlimited Facebook valid for 1 day! For non-stop status updates, for photo uploads and sharing, for unlimited Facebook fun, for one day, for only Php10!
1. Configure your internet settings. Text ACTIVATE to 2300 for FREE.
2. Once activated, you may now convert your Sun Regular load by texting FB10 to 247.
3. Successful conversions will receive a confirmation message.
Make sure to use the correct handset settings. For assistance on handset settings:
- Call the customer service hotline number: Dial 200 from your Sun mobile phone
- Visit the Sun Cellular Website:
- Choose the Customer Service tab
- Select the Phone Configuration tab
- Choose your handset model
- Follow instructions
Have a SUNny day!
Wow this is actually cheap! Thanks for the heads up! =)