NYPD Blue is an American television police drama set in New York City, exploring the internal and external struggles of the fictional 15th precinct of Manhattan. Each episode typically intertwined several plots involving an ensemble cast. John Kelly and Andy Sipowicz are detectives in the 15th squad. Sipowicz is the elder partner but is a drunk and a threat to the partnership lasting much longer. Kelly has a genuine affection for his partner but becomes increasingly exasperated by Sipowicz's behavior. In the pilot, Sipowicz is shot by a suspect that he had attacked and humiliated earlier. This leads to his decision to sober up and save his job.
This installation guide is for SAMSUNG Corby 2 user...
1.Click the Download button to get the .smt file
2. Send .smt file from your PC to your mobile via USB or Bluetooth
3. Go to MENU > My Files > Themes > Tap the name of the theme (e.g.heroesofnewerth.smt)
4. Tap Set and Exit and you're done.
2. Send .smt file from your PC to your mobile via USB or Bluetooth
3. Go to MENU > My Files > Themes > Tap the name of the theme (e.g.heroesofnewerth.smt)
4. Tap Set and Exit and you're done.
Its super